Monday, March 21, 2011

How to achieve and wear VERY RED lips in 6 easy steps.

Warning: Not for the faint hearted.

1 Exfoliate your lips. Chapped lips would ruin the look even before you start creating it.

2 Apply a thin layer of liquid or cream concealer all over your lips to remove the natural pigment of your lips. This will help make the red lipstick pop and make it last longer!

3 Apply a very thin layer of powder. I use my face pressed powder. Let the powder sit for a while so that the concealer would absorb it.

4 Apply lip pencil around the edges of your lips or put it all over your lips, your choice.

5 Now, put on your bright red lipstick. To avoid bleeding (which would usually not if you put lip pencil on), use a lipstick brush.

6 But yes, red lipstick bleeding cannot be avoided sometimes but to remove it, put concealer around your lips.

How to wear red lipstick:

1 You can never go wrong with a plain black minidress with a sweetheart neckline.
2 Smokey natural eyeshadow.
3 Super volumized mascarra.
4 Peach blush with pearl highlight.


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